Source: components/loader/Loader.js

// Generated by 0.1.12

  Loader component for Spark Framework. There are six different type of
  loader is implemented right now. Ported from
  Loader size can be configurable. With current implementation background
  color customization is missing. However you can customize your loader's
  background color using CSS.

  @param   {Object=} options Class options.
  @param   {*=} data Class data
  @extends {spark.core.View}
spark.components.Loader = function(options, data) {
  var loaderEl, size;
  if (options == null) {
    options = {};
  options.type || (options.type = spark.components.Loader.LoaderTypes.CIRCLE);
  if (options.size == null) {
    options.size = 50;
  options.template = this.getLoaderTemplate_(options);
  this.getCssClass(options, 'loader');, options, data);
  loaderEl = this.getElement().firstChild;
  size = "" + (this.getOptions().size) + "px"; = size; = size;
goog.inherits(spark.components.Loader, spark.core.View);

  Creates and returns loader template.

  @param {Object} options Options object for loader template
spark.components.Loader.prototype.getLoaderTemplate_ = function(options) {
  var base, baseClass, configs, i, itemCount, type, _i, _ref;
  configs = spark.components.Loader.TemplateConfigs;
  type = spark.components.Loader.LoaderTypes[options.type];
  if (!type) {
    throw new Error("Invalid loader type, " + options.type);
  _ref = configs[type], baseClass = _ref.baseClass, itemCount = _ref.itemCount;
  base = "<div class=\"" + baseClass + "\">";
  if (itemCount) {
    for (i = _i = 1; 1 <= itemCount ? _i <= itemCount : _i >= itemCount; i = 1 <= itemCount ? ++_i : --_i) {
      base += "<div class=\"item item" + i + "\"></div>";
  return "" + base + "</div>";

  Enum for template configs.

  @enum {Object}
spark.components.Loader.TemplateConfigs = {
  'CIRCLE': {
    baseClass: 'circle',
    itemCount: 3
  'SPINNER': {
    baseClass: 'spinner',
    itemCount: 12
  'BOUNCE': {
    baseClass: 'bounce',
    itemCount: 2
  'BAR': {
    baseClass: 'bar',
    itemCount: 5
  'PULSE': {
    baseClass: 'pulse'
  'SQUARE': {
    baseClass: 'square'

  Enum for loader types.

  @enum {string}
spark.components.Loader.LoaderTypes = {
  'BAR': 'BAR'
Spark Framework by Fatih Acet
Copyright © 2014 - Fatih Acet
Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.2.2 on 2015-07-19T22:09:29+00:00 using the DocStrap template.